Getting Started with Ansible

Ansible is a powerful automation tool that simplifies task automation on remote servers. Being agentless, it doesn’t require any agent installation on the server - a simple SSH connection from the host to the servers suffices.

In this article, we’ll explore getting started with Ansible through a practical example of PHP installation using Ansible playbooks.


Follow the Ansible installation guide using this link.

The directory structure for playbooks and configuration should look like this:

├── ansible.cfg
├── inventory/
│   └── hosts
├── playbooks/
│   └── provision.yml
└── roles/
    ├── common/
    │   ├── tasks/
    │   │   └── main.yml
    │   ├── vars/
    │   │   └── main.yml
    │   └──
    ├── php/
    │   ├── tasks/
    │   │   └── main.yml
    │   ├── handlers/
    │   │   └── main.yml
    │   ├── vars/
    │   │   └── main.yml
    │   └──


First, define the server host machines and ensure they are accessible via SSH. Set up the necessary SSH configuration using private/public keys, then specify the hosts in the inventory/hosts file like this:


your-host-ip # for example:

Define the ansible.cfg file like this:


inventory = inventory/hosts
remote_user = ubuntu
host_key_checking = False
roles_path = roles
ask_vault_pass = True
ask_become_pass = True

Here is the breakdown of the ansible.cfg settings:

  1. inventory = inventory/hosts

    • Specifies the location of the inventory file that contains server IPs and groups
    • In this case, Ansible will use inventory/hosts as the default inventory
  2. remote_user = ubuntu

    • Defines the default SSH user for connecting to remote servers
    • If not overridden in the inventory file, Ansible will use ubuntu as the SSH user
  3. host_key_checking = False

    • Disables SSH host key verification
    • Prevents SSH from prompting for key confirmation when connecting to new servers
    • Useful for automation but not recommended for production (security risk)
  4. roles_path = roles

    • Defines the default directory for Ansible roles
    • When using roles in playbooks, Ansible will look for them in the roles/ directory
  5. ask_vault_pass = True

    • Prompts the user for the Ansible Vault password when running encrypted files
    • Required if using encrypted variables or files (ansible-vault)
    • If you’re using encrypted files or variables (with Ansible Vault), this option prompts for the vault password
  6. ask_become_pass = True

    • Prompts for the sudo password (become password) when running tasks that require root privileges
    • Useful when running Ansible without a passwordless sudo setup
    • This option will prompt for the sudo password when running tasks requiring elevated privileges

Ansible uses simple, human-readable scripts called playbooks to automate tasks. Now add the playbook file in the following location:


- name: Provision PHP
  hosts: web_servers
  become: true

    - name: Update apt cache and upgrade packages
        update_cache: yes
        upgrade: dist
        cache_valid_time: 3600
      register: apt_upgrade

    - name: Reboot if required
        msg: "Reboot required after system upgrade"
        connect_timeout: 5
        reboot_timeout: 300
        pre_reboot_delay: 0
        post_reboot_delay: 30
      when: apt_upgrade.changed

    - common
    - user
    - php

Here’s a brief explanation of the above playbook:

  • name: Provision PHP: The name of the playbook
  • hosts: web_servers: The playbook targets the web_servers group from the inventory file
  • become: true: The tasks will run with elevated privileges (sudo)
  • pre_tasks:
    • Update apt cache and upgrade packages: Updates the package cache and upgrades all installed packages using apt
    • Reboot if required: If the system upgrade changes anything, it triggers a reboot
  • roles: Specifies the roles to execute during the playbook run
    • common: Installs common packages and configures the system
    • user: Configures user-related settings
    • php: Installs PHP and necessary extensions

This configuration ensures the system is updated, reboots if necessary, and then provisions PHP and other common configurations.

The roles/ directory is where Ansible stores reusable automation logic. Each role can have its own tasks, handlers, and variables that are executed as part of the playbook.

Now let’s configure the common role. This role is mainly useful for common tasks like updating the apt cache, installing packages, setting timezone, etc.


- name: Install common packages
      - git
      - curl
      - wget
      - zip
      - unzip
      - software-properties-common
      - apt-transport-https
      - ca-certificates
      - gnupg
      - vim
    state: present
    update_cache: yes

- name: Set timezone
    name: "{{ timezone }}"

The {{ timezone }} variable is defined in the roles/common/vars/main.yml file:


timezone: Asia/Tokyo

Now that the common role is ready, let’s set up the PHP role in a similar way:


- name: Install PHP and extensions
      - "php{{ php_version }}"
      - "php{{ php_version }}-fpm"
      - "php{{ php_version }}-mysql"
      - "php{{ php_version }}-xml"
      - "php{{ php_version }}-mbstring"
      - "php{{ php_version }}-curl"
    state: present
    update_cache: yes
  notify: restart php-fpm  

This will install PHP and php-fpm (PHP FastCGI Process Manager) and notify the handler to restart php-fpm. The handler is defined like this:


- name: restart php-fpm
    name: "php{{ php_version }}-fpm"
    state: restarted
    enabled: yes

Set the PHP version in the following variable file:


php_version: 8.3

If you need to add secret variables, you can use an Ansible vault file. When using a vault file, all secrets are encrypted and securely stored.

Finally, run this command to provision the server:

ansible-playbook playbooks/provision.yml

This is the basic way of using Ansible. For more advanced usage, please check additional resources about Ansible. Creating a file for each role is a best practice to document all necessary details.
